27th-29th June 2024, Istanbul

Course Goals

ECONiX aims to organize a Health Economics & Outcomes Research and Market Access Course to provide participants from the government, academia, and industry with knowledge on health economics & outcomes research and market access.


Course Purpose

Participants will be informed about the following topics;

  • Input and output research in health economics
  • Calculation of health use
  • Introduction to modeling
  • Market Overview
  • Introduction to market access agreements

Who Should Attend?

Candidates from the government, academia, and industry who want to learn about health economics overview and health output research & market access.

Course Program

Module I - Principles of Health Economics & Health Technology Assessment - 27.06.2024

Activity Speaker Time
Introduction to Health Economics (Theoretical Training) Prof. Dr. Zafer Çalışkan 09.30 – 10.45
Coffee break 10.45 – 11.00
Fundamentals of Health Economics (Theoretical Training) Prof. Dr. Zafer Çalışkan 11.00 – 12.15
Lunch 12.15 – 14.00
Health Technology Assessment for Decision Making (Theoretical Training) Dr. Birol Tibet 14.00 – 15.15
Coffee break 15.15 – 15.30
How to Make A Cost Effectiveness Analysis (Practical Training) Dr. Birol Tibet & Mustafa Kurnaz 15.30 – 16.45

Module II - Introduction to Health Policy & Legislation 28.06.2024

Activity Speaker Time
Overview of Market Access Legislation in Turkiye (Theoretical Training) Av. Dr. Sevi Bozoğlu 09.30 – 11.30
Coffee break 11.30 - 11.45
Overview of Market Access Legislation in Turkiye (Theoretical Training) Av. Dr. Sevi Bozoğlu 11.45 – 12.30
Lunch 12.30 – 14.00
Health Systems & Policies (Theoretical Training) Dr. Birol Tibet 14.00 – 15.15
Coffee break 15.15 – 15.30
How to Make a Market Access Plan (Practical Training - Group Activity) Dr. Birol Tibet & Selin Ökçün 15.30 – 16.45

Module III - Understanding The Market Access -29.06.2024

Activity Speaker Time
Introduction to Market Access (Theoretical Training) Dr. Güvenç Koçkaya 09.30 – 10.45
Coffee break 10.45 – 11.00
Introduction to Pricing (Theoretical Training) Öznur Seyhun 11.00 – 12.15
Lunch 12.15 – 14.00
Introduction to Market Access Agreements (Theoretical Training) Dr. Güvenç Koçkaya 14.00 – 15.15
Coffee break 15.15 – 15.30
How to Make a Market Access Agreement (Practical Training - Group Activity) Dr. Güvenç Koçkaya & Dr. Birol Tibet 15.30 – 16.45

Course Fees 2024

Modules SpeakerContent TimeFee & Scholarship
Modul I Principles of Health Economics & Health Technology Assessment 8.500 TL + VAT
Modul II Introduction to Health Policy & Legislation 8.500 TL + VAT
Modul III Understanding The Market Access 8.500 TL + VAT
20% Additional Discount for All Course Registrations
10% Additional Discount for +2 Registrations from the Same Institution
20% Additional Discount for ECONiX Business Partners
50% Discount for Academic & Government Employee Registrations

Course Secretary: Arif Erdoğan

E-mail: arif@econix.net

Please fill out the form and complete your transfer to the given bank account.

Please send your questions, forms and bank receipt to arif@econix.net